Friday, November 29, 2024

Nothing can be loved if you don't love it.

Poem from an online friend, Ramsey Tietjen. (Read more of his poetry here.) 

At times I become alarmed

By the behavior 

Of some of the other cartoon characters

Lethal or stupid

Pundits or bandits

And have to remind myself

They all run on the same ATP as I do

Thinking they’re real just like I do

The cartoon life expectancy can be fairly long

But still it’s a cartoon

We’re all driving in circles 

In our cartoon cars

From home to work and back

Redecorating our cartoon houses

With play money we earn

At our cartoon jobs

Making cartoon plans

Trying to learn 

The lessons of evanescence 

Before we burn

I am the most genuinely subversive agent 

You’ve ever known

I dismiss the arithmetic of submission 

On a regular basis

Just waiting

For my hometown past

I try to find a place to relax

Sometimes you have to get away 

And take another lazy day

Of living


Have plenty of it 

There’s nothing can be loved if you don’t love it

Monday, June 20, 2022

Every moment, like a figure drawn in water, disappears as it appears

(Dzogchen saying)

Sunday, June 19, 2022

Machig Labdron "The Mother of Chod"


Carl Jung wrote, "One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious." 

That sentiment is embodied in the Tibetan Buddhist practice called Chod, which amounts to "Face your demons, and cut through your reaction to them." Machig Labdron was an 11th-century yogini who systematized the practice. 

Hold Your Own

Kate Tempest is the bomb. The atomic bomb. She blows me away. 

There are Tantric Buddhist Chod elements to this poem, such as her encouragement to not resist the demons that we feel.  

Smells like New Age

Today I read a flyer for a workshop on sacred sexuality that made this claim:

"We can create an Infinite Orgasm whenever we choose---literally, not metaphorically---and actually resonate at the frequency of cell division."
When words flee the boundaries of meaning, they no longer queeko bar ne cha-cha-cha.

Saturday, June 18, 2022