Poem from an online friend, Ramsey Tietjen. (Read more of his poetry here.)
At times I become alarmed
By the behavior
Of some of the other cartoon characters
Lethal or stupid
Pundits or bandits
And have to remind myself
They all run on the same ATP as I do
Thinking they’re real just like I do
The cartoon life expectancy can be fairly long
But still it’s a cartoon
We’re all driving in circles
In our cartoon cars
From home to work and back
Redecorating our cartoon houses
With play money we earn
At our cartoon jobs
Making cartoon plans
Trying to learn
The lessons of evanescence
Before we burn
I am the most genuinely subversive agent
You’ve ever known
I dismiss the arithmetic of submission
On a regular basis
Just waiting
For my hometown past
I try to find a place to relax
Sometimes you have to get away
And take another lazy day
Of living
Have plenty of it
There’s nothing can be loved if you don’t love it